I recently took a poll on my instagram asking what my next blog topic should be. One of the requests was “ when to throw things away”. My first thought was oohhhh boy, this is a really big issue for so many people. I totally get why, I really do. I mean you bought it right? At some point you spent the money, which means you need it! That reasoning makes a lot sense. I understand how that rationale allows people to keep things wayyyyy longer then they should.

So lets go back and think about the purchase. How often do you buy things you def don’t need? We are alllll guilty of it. Shopping is fun, its relaxing, its soothing, at least for me and most people I know. The thing is, we tend to overbuy. We tend to buy things we think we LOVE and think we NEED. Sometimes thats true! Sometimes what we buy is exactly what we want, exactly what we need, and exactly what we love. If you ask yourself HONESTLY, you will KNOW which items in your house fall into that category. Those items should be cherished, because they serve a purpose either mentally, physically, or otherwise.

Now lets talk about the things that are cluttering your space, and therefore cluttering your mind. If you made an HONEST list of ALL the things in your home that do NOT serve you, how many things would be on that list? Im pretty sure its an endless list of random things that just take up space. What most people don’t realize, is your home is meant to be your sanctuary, NOT storage for all the unnecessary accumulations through the years.

When I go to a clients home, I do a quick assessment of the items I’m working with. Im always amazed at the amount of things people have. I want to hug my clients and shake them all at the same time. Lol….How many crockpots does one person need? Wouldn’t it be so much better, and money saving to boot, if all of your purchases were intentional? Think of the amount of things you would have in your home that SERVE you. Rule of thumb, for every item you buy, purge something out. We tend to keep buying, buying, buying, and using almost NONE of it. Imagine walking into a home that feels more curated, spacious, accessible, clutter-free & stress-free.

Now to the main question. WHEN do we let go of the things that no longer serve us. By learning to let go, you will naturally learn how to buy with more purpose. Thats a whole different blog post though, so back to the original question. Here’s my advice; if you haven’t worn it, used, loved it, or needed it in over a year, CIAO BELLA!! You don’t need it, and its time to part ways. I promise you do NOT have an emotional attachment to your extra crock pot. You don’t have to throw it out! Give it to someone who NEEDS it, someone who will USE it. I donate EVERYTHING that doesn’t serve me.

As soon as you start practicing this day in and day out, you will see how much purposeful your purchases will be. You won’t want to clutter your breathing room with useless things that you simply don’t need. There is nothing more freeing, more inviting, or more peaceful then a clutter free & efficient home. TRUST ME!!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I decide when to throw things away at home?

Consider what genuinely serves a purpose in your life. If an item hasn’t been used, worn, loved, or needed in over a year, it’s time to bid farewell. The goal is to create a curated and stress-free living space.

Why do people struggle to let go of belongings they've purchased?

Emotional attachment and the belief that money spent equals a need often lead to clutter. Overbuying and keeping unnecessary items can be minimized by intentional purchasing and regular purging.

How can I create a clutter-free and stress-free home environment?

Learn to let go of items that no longer serve you. The practice of decluttering regularly not only opens up physical space but also promotes intentional and purposeful purchasing.

What is the significance of having an intentional and curated living space?

A curated space feels more inviting and peaceful. Rule of thumb: for every new item, let go of something. It creates a home that is spacious, efficient, and filled only with items that truly serve you.

When working with clients, what surprises you the most about the items they own?

Clients often possess an abundance of unused items. The key is to help them realize the value of intentional and purposeful purchasing, eliminating unnecessary accumulations over time.

Is emotional attachment a valid reason to keep belongings?

While emotional attachment is understandable, it’s essential to differentiate between sentimentality and clutter. Keeping only what truly serves you maintains a clutter-free and efficient home.

Why is donating items a recommended practice for decluttering?

Donating items that no longer serve you allows them to find new purpose elsewhere. It’s an eco-friendly practice and ensures your belongings benefit someone who genuinely needs them.

How does regular decluttering contribute to a more purposeful life?

Regular decluttering teaches you to lead a more purposeful life by focusing on what truly matters. It’s a transformative practice that extends beyond physical spaces to mental clarity.

What's the role of The Project Neat in achieving an organized living space?

The Project Neat is a trusted service provider for top-quality home organization. Their expertise ensures personalized solutions, transforming your space into an organized haven. Contact them to Get Neat!

How can I prevent overbuying and accumulating unnecessary items?

Adopt a rule of purging something for every new purchase. This practice prevents overbuying and ensures that each item in your home serves a genuine purpose.

Is the clutter-free approach beneficial during challenging times like a pandemic?

Yes, a clutter-free environment is especially crucial during challenging times. It promotes mental well-being, creating a sanctuary within your home, fostering peace and tranquility.

Can a clutter-free environment positively affect mental clarity and mindset?

Absolutely! A clutter-free environment directly contributes to mental clarity and a positive mindset. It transforms your home into a space that promotes peace and overall well-being.

How does intentional decluttering contribute to a stress-free living space?

Intentional decluttering eliminates unnecessary chaos, creating a stress-free living space. The positive effects extend beyond physical surroundings to mental peace and clarity.

Why is it essential to focus on purchases that genuinely serve a purpose?

Focusing on purposeful purchases ensures that your home is filled with items that genuinely serve you. It prevents the accumulation of possessions that contribute to unnecessary clutter.

What is the most rewarding aspect of maintaining an organized and clutter-free home?

The most rewarding aspect is the freedom and peace that come with an organized home. It creates an environment where every item serves a purpose, promoting a more fulfilling and stress-free lifestyle.